
Can You Hear Me Now?

A few weeks ago, Cami and I had a fun run-in with Verizon Wireless an unnamed cellular telephone service providing company. She got a new phone which required some fancy setup. Without getting into the nitty gritty boring details, we used MY phone upgrade to get the phone and we told them that we were going to switch the phone numbers as soon as we got home. We explained everything to them and they understood.

Long story short, they messed up our account and actually froze our account so that no changes could be made (we had exceeded the limit one can make to an account in one month, which is 3 - I asked them repeatedly to tell me the 3 changes we had made and NEVER got an answer). So, those of you who know our numbers are aware of this, Cami has been using her phone and my phone number and I have been using my phone and her phone number. In other words, until today, everyone that called Cami came to my phone. I had to then call her and let her know she received a call, and vice versa.

Now, just to be clear, I am by no means upset by this. It takes a lot to upset me, but this is just comical to me. I spent 1.5 hours at the store the day it happened to try and get it fixed only to be told there in NOTHING anyone can do. So, we just had to wait. Not mad. Just hilarious. Then I found this clip that, although on a different topic, is very reminiscent of my experience with this company's employees.

If this doesn't give you frustrated face, I don't know what will.

In case you:
1) Are still confused
2) Are not a mathematician
3) Have never taken a Warren Brunson class (that's for you, dear)
4) Have no idea why this video is on the blog
5) Don't see what the problem is
6) Are not good with decimals
7) Do not pay attention to details
8) Or just don't care

.2 cents is equal to .002 dollars. The rate is .2 cents or .002 dollars, but not .002 cents. Just in case you didn't catch that.


phill said...

Hey, Jen and I have dealt with cell phone issues much in the same way. The only difference is that it was with AT&T. It happened three times so we switched to your beloved Verizon and never had a problem since.

Anonymous said...

I watched this video but then my head exploded, so I stopped.