
Chanson du Jour

OK. We are all 0-1. This one might be easier. I have no idea. Find the thing these three songs/artists have in common.

Please Let That Be You by The Rentals

Life Goes By by The Special Goodness

Yellow Camaro and There's Always Tomorrow by The Space Twins

Stumped? Let me give you a clue. As Alex Trebek would call it, "This is a video clue". Say It Ain't So by Weezer

There, that should help a bit. And while I will accept the answer "All the band names start with the word THE and follow the formula of 'The _________s'", I will make fun of you if you use that answer. Especially with my awesome clue.


Anonymous said...

These are tough ones. I was looking for a bunny head in all 4 of the videos but didn't see one. I thought a member of each of the bands wore glasses, but that would be a lame common denominator. So my guess will be that these are the first videos ever produced by these bands. I'm wishing upon a star that I'm right.

the hadzic clan said...

had to look this one up, too. 0-2 for me. obviously, anonymous and i aren't up on our indie current events. if you asked me something about the 80's (and possibly VERY early 90's) i might have a fighting chance.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

No bunnies. And actually you may be close about these being the first videos for the bands. Not a bad guess. But you completely ignored my clue, and I am offended. i blog, 80s are coming right up