

I love America and want the best for our country, but I am confused by our new President. I think he is smart and wants to pull us out of this recession, but I don't think he knows what he is doing. These speeches are 20 days apart. Jan 8 and Jan 28.

Sorry to get so political (I promised not to do that), but this guy is confused. Even if you are an Obama apologist supporter, you gotta find this funny. I am not mad at him, but this is quite funny.

But it is pretty awesome how much he loves basketball. Props for that O.


The Tait Family said...

what a joke that obama is! this president thing is not as easy as he thought it was going to be.

the hadzic clan said...

just wait, you'll all see! MUHAHAHA (evil laughter)!!! oh how i love being the only liberal in my entire family! SPEND BABY SPEND!!!

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

I bet you do enjoy being the only lib in your family. I find it interesting that you equated being liberal with being evil (your words, not mine). The point of the post was not to bash O, but rather to explain the expectation (that he himself set by the way) that he not speak out of both sides of his mouth. He is not supposed to be like every other politician, and I am waiting to see that. I hope beyond all hope that he is not like other politicians, republican or democrat (in a good way of course).

the hadzic clan said...

no worries, bash away if you wish. i subscribe to the belief that blood is thicker than bail out money.