
Hobbies Part III

You can click on the picture to enlarge it, in case you didn't know that.

Jammin' out with I Am Spartacus (the Ipod)

Pontificating on the deeper meaning of things

Recreating those AT&T commercials (the "more bars in more places" ads with the ascending signal bars) in public places

Working ourselves out of a pickle in miniature golf

Taking weekend trips to Mars


Anonymous said...

Might I just say, you look great in red Kevin. I think you've now found you "special occasions" outfit. Cami must be proud..

the hadzic clan said...

kevin, is that you in the john west salmon ad?

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

yes, but I traded in my knit hat for a helmet. "Oh look. An eagle!" And yes, Phill, Cami is proud of me. Except for the fact that I shrink about two feet when I put the red suit on.

Anonymous said...

How is it possible to hit a ball out of bounds on a miniature golf course? I'm sure it was a nice recovery shot though. Was that Buddy laying on your chest snuggling?

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Oh, it's possible to hit a ball out of bounds and have it land on a bench in mini golf. What is not possible is Buddy laying with me on a couch.

Anonymous said...

I like that line of you shrinking every time you put the red suite on. You know I use a similar excuse for my being short too but nobody seems to buy it. Instead, I get the same look a 1st grader gets when trying to justify why they don’t have their homework.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Or, in my case, a premed college student that doesn't have his homework done.