
Chanson du Jour

Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard (of the band The Frames, of course) and Marketa Irglova won the Oscar this year for best original song beating 3, count 'em 3, songs from Enchanted - much to Cami's chagrin.


Anonymous said...

Hey, these guys aren't that bad. They have a good sound. I'll have to include them along with "The Sounds" on the very short list of music groups you and I both like.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

They ARE good. Phill, I am glad that you agree and all, but seriously, in this case as with all chanson du jour, I am not asking a question. I am making a statement. I am not putting these songs up for a vote to determine their awesomeicity. I know they are awesome and am exposing others to good music. So, while I am glad you agree, it really isn't up for discussion.

Anonymous said...

That was a nice song. Oscar worthy? questionable! As for your high mindedness on determining awesomeicity, as the author of the anit-blog it is your right, but the rest of us occassionally find it quite amusing. But keep up the good work.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

There is nothing amusing on this blog. It is all serious and no play and without joy and devoid of happy and empty gleefulness

Anonymous said...

I’m sorry, I seem to have over stepped my bounds at assuming that these were up for discussion. And since we are all being so serious, might I put in for a serious request? I have seen a clip from the greatest movie ever (Bottle Rocket) but I think a clip from the great “Waiting for Guffman” would give some color to your artistic creation known as the “Anti-blog.” Just a thought…

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

No need to apologize. Common mistake. I will forgive you this time, and once more. Use it wisely. I will work on the request.