
Chanson du Jour

In Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo is starting to make his move on Princess Leia and has the audacity to tell her that she has feelings for him. To this she responded "Why you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder!" This line gave birth to one of the greatest "nerd rock" bands ever, Nerf Herder.

I counted myself among the fortunate the day I got to see them in concert in SLC. There were about 30 of us there in some basement downtown. As I was entering the venue, Parry Gripp pointed me in the direction I should go. Yes, the same Parry Gripp that is the lead singer of this great band. He was just outside on the street talking on his cell phone. Awesome experience #1. Then, as I went down into the basement, the drummer Steve Sherlock aka The Cougar was just chillin on the ground waiting for the opening acts to finish (there was no "backstage" in the basement so the band just had to wait out among the fans for their turn). Awesome experience #2. The guitarist Charlie Dennis was working merchandise selling duty that night and sold me my t-shirt, then signed it. Awesome experience #3.

Enjoy a cut off their new album, the pure greatness of Oh Me Oh My


jenfra said...

Haha, I'll have you know they wrote and played the theme song for "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". Just a new fact to add to your useless closet fulls of information, and to have you use it against us in Trivial Pursuit of the 90's.

Anonymous said...

Fiddlesticks! That was a pretty good song and video. As for your Awesome experience numbers 1,2 and 3, even you, the keeper of all things unimportant, could find events in your life that surely are more awesomer than that. Good Gravy!!

the hadzic clan said...

great song. the masks are a little creepy. someone needs to work on their paper mache skills. i kept expecting to see charlton heston ambush them.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Jenfra, good call on the Buffy theme. I am very impressed that someone knew that. Go Nerf Herder. Anonymous, please tell me ONE thing that has happened in ANYONE'S life that is cooler than the aforementioned three. Good call on the Planet of the Apes Hadzic clan. I thought the same thing when I saw it. Also, apes should not be riding bicycles, apparently

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

By the way, I was expecting much more ridiculing and mocking comments than these. I am surprised the song was this well received. Pleasantly Surprised. But still surprised

Anonymous said...

Knowing someone who has won a state Punt, Pass and Kick competition!

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...


Carla said...

No worries, I'm late but I'm here.

It's official: you are starting to scare me. Monkeys/apes/weird creatures in bikes . . . I think I will have nightmares.

And no, I didn't even make it to the part of the "plumpier" monkey/ape/scary mask kids riding bike.

Seriously, ask your sister. I found a dead monkey on the road close to our house last Saturday. Weird . . .

Ahhhh, the monkeys are coming!

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Welcome back prodigal Carla. We are glad to have you back, albeit with an abundance of criticisms and phobias. Welcome back anyways.

Carla said...

oh no, criticisms?

and animal control picked up the monkey finally.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

We are still waiting for animal control to pick up your first comment