
Breaking News

I am happy to report, since I know everyone was curious, that the ants are no longer attacking us in our home. The siege is over. We couldn't be happier.

PS - The Obama plan might have worked, but we decided to go with the Blagojovich Plan instead. We just sold Barack Obama's vacated house to the ants for future positions in the colony. That worked like a charm. They are on a bus to Chicago as we speak. Success. Full success.


the hadzic clan said...

great. send them my way why don't you. besides, if you would've waited another week or so, you probably could have given them the governor's mansion.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Good point. I was a little impatient because I just wanted the little pests out of my house.

jenfra said...

It has now been a full four days since your last post...are you okay? Is there some type of emergency? Some of us are suffering from withdrawals...haha.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

My bad Jenfra. I will get on it. Sometimes I just like to be lazy. You know me.